Athletes are heroes, role models, trendsetters, thought leaders and social influencers. History has proved athletes sell products!  (Think Nike and Lebron James, Steph Curry and Under Armour)

Unlike traditional sports management, The Disrupters focus on growing your profile and commercial opportunities for now and into the future. With a 360-degree holistic approach, we work closely with our athletes and talent to build their personal brand. We identify and maximise commercial opportunities and align with partners that meet your values and goals.

Now more than ever, athletes are at the heart of commercial conversations and are the influencers of the future! With devoted and engaged fans and followers, you create trust and connections between brands and audiences that are vital to long-term commercial success.

And that’s powerful!

So, what is Personal Brand? We know you hear this all the time, but what does it mean? Whether you know it or not, you already have a personal brand. Put simply:

A personal brand is rooted in the minds of people in the market (fans, followers and public). Personal branding is the effort to communicate and present your value to the world.

You can build a personal brand without compromising your values or changing who you are. In fact, we believe that’s the only way to do it.

Together we will identify opportunities, connect you with sought after brands and products that align to you, optimise your profile and grow your income, and career.


Increase Your Impact and Grow Your Income

 So, you want to build a personal brand, impact thousands of lives, and make a great income while doing it? But you’re busy, you have a lot going on, and you need to get things done in your preferred timeline.

 The Disrupters 1 on 1 Personal Brand coaching sessions are customised to help athletes like you create more influence, impact, and income.

 We know what you need because we have been where you are. We are you. We do what we teach and teach what we do.

 Our holistic approach to you, your brand and your goals result in more reach, more followers, more sponsorship opportunities, more influence, more impact and ultimately, more income.

 One of the greatest benefits of our program is that you become a part of The Disrupter curated community of athlete influencers, entrepreneurs, brands and thought leaders going through this journey alongside you.

 You will get access to the brands we work with to network, share, learn, and build mutually beneficial partnerships.


Influencer marketing has become one of the most powerful forms of social media marketing. With social media budgets expected to double in the next five years, this creates an exciting opportunity for athletes.


We help you build your unique personal brand, commercialise your social media, generate a positive impact in the world, and create your dream life in the process. 


Connecting with new audiences and building trust with long-term customers is vital to the growth and sustainability of a brand. With you as an ambassador, brands make stronger connections with your loyal audience, helping them make an impact, be noticed, win the hearts and minds of new audiences and drive results.

If you’re ready to take the next step toward growing your brand and creating powerful partnerships:


Media, Speaking, and Public Engagements are an opportunity for you to tell your story. A platform to share lessons and experiences you have gained from sport or give an insight into the captivating world of elite sport. 

Corporate events & Functions are valuable opportunities to engage with new audiences, expand your networks and grow your profile. Whether its golf days, charitable events, product launches, or opening nights, together, we will identify opportunities that align with you and your goals and build powerful partnerships.

The Disrupters are here to empower you to deliver an authentic, meaningful experience for your audience. We’d love to learn more about you and have you join our network of influencers and thought leaders.

If you’re ready to take the next step toward growing your brand and creating powerful partnerships: